Canadian Firearms Safety Course

Yarrow Gun Works offers the Canadian Firearms Safety Course. The CFSC is divided into two separate courses. The Long gun course deals with standard rifles and shot guns and the Restricted course deals with hand guns.

You will learn to do the following:

  • Handle firearms safely.
  • Use firearms and ammunition safely.
  • Comply with firearms laws.
  • Store non-restricted firearms and ammunition safely.
  • Display non-restricted firearms safely.
  • Transport non-restricted firearms safely.

The Canadian Firearms Safety Course consists of two parts. One is classroom instruction. The other is learning the material in the hand book. There will be both written and practical examinations. Passing them will demonstrate the knowledge and skills you have gained on the course. Live firing exercises, however,are not offered as part of this course.

This will help you learn and retain the content. Leaving anything out of the course will reduce the amount you learn. This applies to all assignments, exercises or examinations given by the instructor.

The course emphasizes safe storage,display, transportation, handling and use of non-restricted firearns. But safety depends on more than just safe physical actions.

Safe handling must include greater knowledge of the firearms themselves, ammunition, and the laws and regulations related to them.

You will be loading and unloading the five basic actions, bolt,lever, hinge, auto loader and pump action. There will be a brief introduction to revolvers and semiautomatic hand guns The Canadian Firearms Safety Course costs $170 plus the cost of the text. The text are available from Yarrow Gun Works @ $25 (includes tax) or at most sporting goods stores.  The Canadian Firearms Restricted Safety Course” is also available .  Takes four hours and costs $170

Class sizes are from 1-6 students and are offered in a single day (8 hours of instruction followed by a 1 hour exam).

If you have a few friends that would like to take the Canadian Firearms Safety Course as a group contact us via our Contact Us page.